Kamis, 03 Februari 2011


Me and my boarding house girls were going mad two days ago. We rarely have a similar free day. So it's not easy to hang out together in complete squad. There are thirteen of us, but only eight girls took part on this fun times... :)

Fisrt in the morning, the girls were jogging together while Ajeng, Cenah, and I prepared to go to the bank. We wish to swim on the afternoon but it was rainy. So, instead of swimming at the pool, we were "swimming" at the rain a.k.a "hujan-hujanan". Hahahaa..

And these are our pictures when we had an early dinner at Jatos.

ajeng (colorful sweater), eby (brown jacket), cenah (green hijab), grace (purple shirt),
ndut (on the corner of our table), me (blue hijab), imot (red jacket)

eby, cenah, grace, ndut, me, imot, wina (white shirt and  brown cardigan)

Next are pictures of me and Ndut. Find the differences, haha..

This is me, wearing black shirt and pretending that I am a model in Jatinangor Town Square's foodcourt.. Ck, ck, ckk..

suprisingly, I look slimer in this picture. wow!

me, imot, wina

ndut and I
I had real fun that day. Really, I'm gonna miss girl's fun times like this after my marriage.

2 komentar:

Intan Eka Wulandari mengatakan...

pi, ngasih caption di foto gmn yah?
kok aku ngga bisa-bisa T___T

shafiyashafiyaa mengatakan...

"new post"

"insert image"

kalo udah masuk fotonya, klik d foto. ntar muncul tulisan di bar warna biru muda. klik aja yg tulisannya "add caption".. tralaaa. bisa deh.. hehe